We In This Together

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In My Feelings Game

We are solving the lack of sufficient human connection post covid in relationships that leads to high rates of stress, GBV ,burnout, loneliness, depression, anxiety ,suicide and other mental health challenges in people's lives

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Schedule-in Relationship care

Are there things you would like to improve in your current relationships?

Don't wait till it's too late or when you angry to have difficult conversations that grow, nurture and repair your relationships with others.

Not sure how to start difficult conversations?

Try one of our games as a support tool in breaking the ice.

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Turn Your Game into a Mental Wellness Party

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Your relationship legacy

What will people remember the most about the relationship they had with you?

Teen Mental Wellness Clubs

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Game Demo With The Expresso Tv Team


"The game is afoot'' - Sherlock

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I received great feedback from our students, who found a lot of value in the session. My colleague, Tammy, and I were also very impressed with the game, as well as your professionalism and ability to immediately connect with students.

Warren Venter- Principal of St Martin High