For Parents of teens

Are you tired of feeling disconnected from your teen?


Do you struggle with conflict in this relationship?


Do you feel there is lack of trust from both sides?


Is communication a challenge in your relationship?


Do you long to build a deeper connection and have meaningful conversations with your teen?

We understand how you feel...

Parenting a teenager comes with its own set of challenges, from navigating conflicts to fostering trust and open communication.

It feels like the child you have been raising was replaced with a new one!

This can be a challenging time for both parents and teens as they try to find common ground.

A little help in minimising the damage to the relationship during this adolescent stage can create room for a healthier parent and child relationship for years to come.

Our mental wellness solutions are all about building healthy relationships through fun and therapeutic conversations. They help bridge the gap of understanding and compassion in the parent and teen relationship.

Try our Relationship Building Blocks Cards to build trust, and engage in meaningful conversations that foster understanding and connection with your teen.